Organizational Development

We empower organisations.
We do what matters.

Change begins where it is first noticed. Often this is inside the organization, in processes, in teams, with individual people. It is just as often at the edges of an organization when framework conditions, guidelines or technical innovations open up new possibilities or require reactions.

Together with and for you, we will find solutions for your challenge. Sometimes structures must be changed or adapted, other times it is about the development of new forms of cooperation and collaboration. Some processes require a clear top-down structure, others require a lot of participation.

We speak of successful organizational development when, at the end of a phase with significant changes, the executive managers, the top performers and the entire workforce have understood why this development was necessary, as many people as possible identify with their new organization – because after all, they themselves have worked on it and solved the related conflicts rather than sat them out – and if they perform well in the new context and feel appropriately perceived as human beings.

How we work

As consultants, we see ourselves as experts in processes, methods and dynamics. We support, respect and challenge our customers in their expertise for their own organization. We act as initiators, developers, sparring partners and readily share our know-how – the decision-making authority remains with you.

We have a clear focus on goals, an appropriate resource management, a timely cadence and the appropriate stride length in the various phases of a project.

We provide our experience with tangible practical examples. In doing so, we look at best-practice examples while also look at and learn from undesirable developments.

A success criterion: Every project is designed from the outset in such a way that the desired goals and qualities of change can already be experienced and lived in the process – we call it exemplary action.

Topics and occasions to develop your organization together with us.

Wir unterstützen Sie, wo Bedarf ist mit unserem großen Repertoire an Tools, das auf Ihre spezifische Situation We support you where there is a need with our large repertoire of tools designed for your specific situation. We offer individual solutions for the following topics and occasions:

Visions, goals, strategies

Know the goal and don’t lose sight of it, build and walk paths.

The Power of Leadership

Ignite spirit, focus on common alignment, improve collaboration.

Intricate problems

Dissolve thought barriers and break patterns with professional moderation.

Agile Organization

Work faster, more productively and more responsibly in an organization or organizational unit

Townhall Meetings

Increase understanding, take goal-oriented and interactive joint steps, live participation.


Find the right pace and the right steps.

Complex problems

Separate the necessary from the redundant, consider the possible and feasible, make decisions.

Corporate culture

Discover values and embody them on all levels.


Relax emotional dynamics through intelligent team development measures, simplify collaboration, make teams fly.

Difficult events

Cope with crises, process incision, restore concentration.

A Spirit of Optimism

Look ahead, recognize, appreciate and use resources, get going.

Meeting Culture

Find a new level of collaboration, achieve results with team spirit.

Merger and Post Merger Integration.

Allow organizations and divisions to grow together sustainably, identify synergies.


Soften hardened situations, clarify positions, find options. Make agreements.

Get in touch.

We are happily talk to you personally about what we can achieve together!

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