Who We Are – Our DNA

An insight into how we “tick” internally and what CONTRACT means to us.

We work together to implement our claim “humanly effective” every day, externally for our customers and internally for ourselves. We strive for meaningful success. No action merely for the effect, but impactful change for responsible progression.

Personal, welcoming and trusting

We want to shape the working and living environments of our customers and at CONTRACT positive and productive. This includes being hospitable and generous. We show this to all our customers as well as ourselves, our friends and our families. We live a culture of trust that allows us to accept mistakes as mutual learning tasks. And a culture of shared responsibility, open discussion and clear decision-making.

Foster and Develop

We promote co-entrepreneurship and enable employees to participate in the company in a variety of ways. The company CONTRACT is not an object of speculation, but a living economic system.
We are constantly developing CONTRACT as an organization as well as the people who belong to us based on the core of our personality. We support our team members to continuously shape their individual CONTRACT style. This “DNA” carries us. And we have found that our positive consultant culture inspires our customers, too.

Human, success-oriented and collective

We develop our approach jointly with our customers, we contribute what is missing. We work with methods of management sciences and complement this perspective with human- and organization-oriented approaches, in particular transactional analysis and the systemic approach. We use our methodology as a flexible tool, not as a rigid norm. While doing so nudges us to take on challenging tasks, it is crucial for us that we can represent the mission with our ethical standards – and this we discuss openly.

How We Work

We develop people, teams and organizations

People and organizations influence each other. People are far more than human resources and companies are far more than economic platforms. Whether training, coaching or multi-year corporate development: We keep an eye on both the individual and interdependencies.

We approach matters ambitiously and humanely

Ambitious means thinking outside the box and finding realistic, intelligent and authentic solutions! Human means: We like to work with real people and organizations and not with idealized ones. What works “in principle” does not always have to work – and what does not work “in principle” can sometimes be a recipe for success.

Meaningful Success is Our Goal

What we commit to should also be meaningful! We work with entrepreneurial spirit and meaning for the individual. A lot is feasible, some is useful and oftentimes less is more!

We design from the essence of our personality and organization.

The solutions lie largely in the uniqueness of the person and in the essence of the organization. We are specialists in activating these individual skills. The result of our work are sustainable and authentic solutions for our customers.

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